Return and Refund Policy

We have different return & refund policies depending on the nature of the product or service ordered according to the following list:

  • Digital products: Purchases of digital products may not be cancelled. Digital items may not be returned or refunded.

  • Physical products, excluding 3D-printed products and commission paintings: Purchases may be cancelled within 24 hours of purchase for a full refund. Such items may be returned within 14 days of delivery to a home address or a postal service location for a full refund of purchase excluding shipping cost and transaction fees.

  • 3D-printed products: Purchases may be cancelled within 24 hours of purchase for a full refund. Uncustomized 3D-printed items may be returned within 14 days of delivery to home address or postal service location for a full refund of purchase excluding shipping cost and transaction fees. Customized 3D-printed items (such as scale change) may not be returned or refunded.

  • Commission paintings: Orders for commission painting work may be cancelled up until the point at which work commeces for a full refund of the deposit. In such cases, model(s) that were sent to us by the client will be returned. Finished commission paintings may not be returned or refunded.

Although we will do our best to ensure safe transit of our products to the you, in case something happens, we are entirely responsible for the products’ condition, including possible loss or damage, up until delivery to a home address or a postal service location. We will assist you with repair work to the extent that repairs are possible and reasonable, or we will first and foremost offer to replace the damage or loss with a new piece or item. Otherwise a partial or full refund will be provided depending on the extent of the loss or damage. In case of damage, the customer/client must provide photographic documentation to us and keep any packaging material at hand until the case is complete. For more details, see our Terms & Condtions.

To open a case or request to return an item, please contact us by following this link:

Important: All returns are at the customer’s/client’s expense and responsibility until it’s delivered to us. For return of model(s) that were sent to us by the client for commission painting work, we assume responsibility of the model(s) until delivery to a home addresss or postal service location, but not of shipping expenses. When we have received a return, we will assess the condition of all items before sending a refund; if items are damaged or lost, we reserve the right to make deductions on refunds, or withhold refunds. Refunds are made through Swish or Paypal in the customer’s/client’s local currency. Transaction fees may apply.